Thursday, February 28, 2008

The 10 Best iPhone Applications

With the recent surge in iPhone applications popping up everywhere, it might seem nearly impossible to decide which ones to try out. I have lined up the top 10 applications your iPhone won't be complete without. The following selection is based on parameters such as usability, price, utilization of system resources, stability and update speed.

1.The first application to really cause serious change in the way we use the iPhone is the Installer, which surpassed other competing applications. This app concentrates all available applications, allowing you to receive updates on the different apps. Its simplicity and the fact that it enables to download and install applications without any need for a computer have definitely earned Installer a place of honor in the iPhone application pantheon. All you need are some good sources for updates:


Conceited Software:
Ste Packaging:

To help you out, I also located a video explaining how to add more sources to your iPhone:

2.The second must-have application on my list is Customize, which allows you to change themes, change the locations and order of the different icons and much more. An awesome tool for anyone who appreciates personalization! Here you'll find a video explaining how to use this terrific application:

3.The next favorite on my list is the amazing and addictive game iPhysics. If you're not familiar with this yet, go ahead and download! You'll be hooked in no time. The real upside here is that there is an endless amount of levels, and you can always get more from the sources I listed above. Check it out!

4.The next useful application I think deserves a mention is MobileRSS, an application which allows you to update your iPhone with your latest subscription feeds. Here's how to get started:

5. Navizon's Virtual GPS is the best application I've encountered, and would rank as number one if it weren't for the fact that it is available only in a limited range of countries. This application enhances the iPhone to the point of near perfection as a mobile device, lacking only 3G capabilities. Below is a link to a great video shedding more light on using this app:

6. My next application of choice is Converter, the amazingly simple app allowing you to convert currencies, sizes and volumes through online updates. A great and handy tool for any World Citizen or frequent tourist. Check out this video and start converting your heart out:

7. Another fun and useful application is Locations, which displays footage from cameras around the world, including traffic cams, which might save you from those pesky traffic jams. I use this application regularly to save time in the car.

Here's a short video on how to use this application:

8. The next winner in our application list is Apollo, a simple and user-friendly instant chat application, which works with most chat suits. To find out how you can get started chatting on your iPhone, check out this video:

9. The following program, although not freebies, made into this list nonetheless. Photodial and Voicedial both allow you to easily speed dial using pictures or voice commands. The usability is amazing, and the Photodial option to access the dial screen by a double-click on the Home button make this an ultimate favorite. Check out these videos on using Photodial and Voicedial:

10. The last application on my list is Wedict, a dictionary application allowing you to add new dictionaries in a multitude of languages.

Check out this great video on using Wedict here:

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

iPhone 1.1.4 update released: But where's the SDK? Mm!

There's a new update in town, and it's heavy like a bitch - 160MB's! I haven't got my hands on it, as it's made for clean iPhone users only-- but 160MB's must mean there's more behind it. "Bug fixes"? I don't buy it, and even if-- your software must be extremely buggy then! 160MB's worth of bugs. Nevertheless, experts suggest there's some SDK mystery behind it. I can't wait for more.

Question of the day: Is iTunes going to replace Wal-Mart as the most-selling online music retailer?

Well, I don't have any idea. But I sure hope so, and it might be plausible with the advent of movie rentals (presented earlier this year in MacWorld). Some interesting, intelligent and fresh discussion here (iLounge), here (E-Commerce Times), here (Crave), here (Fake Steve Jobs. Hooray!) and there (Ars Technica). Enjoy.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The new MacBooks: Thanks for the Multi-Touch, why so late?!

The new MacBooks are cool. Faster processors and everything. But the real treasure lies in the Multi-Touch trackpad. Great technology which is going to amazingly imrpove our user experience. I wonder, though, why did Apple decide to add this feature now? I understand their wish to maximize revenue as much as possible, and it's perfectly fine and legit-- but this is getting ridiculous. First the iPhone, then the iPod touch (isn't that same product??) then BIGGER classic iPods, then MacBook Air with MultiTouch support (about a year after that technology was first introduced), and now-- after squeezing the hype's life out-- comes this. A pretty tricky (usually fair) play on the customers.

But... yeah. I'm still gonna get one.

Monday, February 25, 2008

How to unlock any iPhone?

Come on, kids. Let's get it over with.

Apple thieves: Your PC's suck! wrote about kleptomaniac geeks who steal only Apple products. They broke into an apartment in Williamsburg and took an iPod and a PowerBook, but didn't touch the Dell which was sitting there. This is a true story, which means now you can make fun of your PC-loving friends for having stuff that aren't worth stealing! Ha to you, PC guy!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Here it is: The Manila folder sleeve for the Air

Well, as with all great gimmicks - this one was predictable too. The guy behind the cool electro outfit Yacht invested the time and love to make the Manila MacBook Air sleeve a reality. You can easily pre-order it from here for just $29.95. The makers produce fresh LCD Soundsystem-inspired music, and I suppose the quality of this little envelope doesn't fall. I predict tons of hipster kidddies in New York going bonkers over this. Also, you might wanna check Yacht's very own flickr blocker which lets you say NO to those bastards who take your photo and upload it to flickr later. Anyway, great effort guys!