Thursday, February 28, 2008

The 10 Best iPhone Applications

With the recent surge in iPhone applications popping up everywhere, it might seem nearly impossible to decide which ones to try out. I have lined up the top 10 applications your iPhone won't be complete without. The following selection is based on parameters such as usability, price, utilization of system resources, stability and update speed.

1.The first application to really cause serious change in the way we use the iPhone is the Installer, which surpassed other competing applications. This app concentrates all available applications, allowing you to receive updates on the different apps. Its simplicity and the fact that it enables to download and install applications without any need for a computer have definitely earned Installer a place of honor in the iPhone application pantheon. All you need are some good sources for updates:


Conceited Software:
Ste Packaging:

To help you out, I also located a video explaining how to add more sources to your iPhone:

2.The second must-have application on my list is Customize, which allows you to change themes, change the locations and order of the different icons and much more. An awesome tool for anyone who appreciates personalization! Here you'll find a video explaining how to use this terrific application:

3.The next favorite on my list is the amazing and addictive game iPhysics. If you're not familiar with this yet, go ahead and download! You'll be hooked in no time. The real upside here is that there is an endless amount of levels, and you can always get more from the sources I listed above. Check it out!

4.The next useful application I think deserves a mention is MobileRSS, an application which allows you to update your iPhone with your latest subscription feeds. Here's how to get started:

5. Navizon's Virtual GPS is the best application I've encountered, and would rank as number one if it weren't for the fact that it is available only in a limited range of countries. This application enhances the iPhone to the point of near perfection as a mobile device, lacking only 3G capabilities. Below is a link to a great video shedding more light on using this app:

6. My next application of choice is Converter, the amazingly simple app allowing you to convert currencies, sizes and volumes through online updates. A great and handy tool for any World Citizen or frequent tourist. Check out this video and start converting your heart out:

7. Another fun and useful application is Locations, which displays footage from cameras around the world, including traffic cams, which might save you from those pesky traffic jams. I use this application regularly to save time in the car.

Here's a short video on how to use this application:

8. The next winner in our application list is Apollo, a simple and user-friendly instant chat application, which works with most chat suits. To find out how you can get started chatting on your iPhone, check out this video:

9. The following program, although not freebies, made into this list nonetheless. Photodial and Voicedial both allow you to easily speed dial using pictures or voice commands. The usability is amazing, and the Photodial option to access the dial screen by a double-click on the Home button make this an ultimate favorite. Check out these videos on using Photodial and Voicedial:

10. The last application on my list is Wedict, a dictionary application allowing you to add new dictionaries in a multitude of languages.

Check out this great video on using Wedict here:


John R said...
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Anonymous said...

How could you miss

m4ttd said...

very lame. there are more iphone apps that i would put before these.
just the release of drummer, pocketGuitar and pianist are huge leaps in iphone apps.

Gershon Yehuda Ben Kalman said...

Where are the applications that allow us to put in functionality that Apple left out? SendMail, SendFile, VoiceNote, etc? These are critical.

EvolutionRGB is a mind-blowing application that could have ONLY existed on the iPhone. I like it better than iPhysics.

Erica Sadun deserves a medal for her various efforts. Don't list applications and not find something that she did to improve this device.

RJT said...

Really a shit list that looks as though it was put together by someone who just jailbroke their iPhone today.

Unknown said...

I completely agree with Robert.

Jonathan said...

I'm also with Robert, these apps don't really add any functionality. The only ones I would even consider keeping are the RSS reader, and the GPS. Otherwise, What's the point?

Gateway said...

i found this site, its not really an app, but looks like a iPhone app, anyhow I use this a lot while on the bus to watch some and listen to some podcasts.. it's free and works pretty well over wifi, with edge you need to let it buffer a bit.. anyhow point your iphone to

Unknown said...

Good grief, cut him some slack - perhaps they're not the 10 apps *you* would have chosen, but at least he did put a list together.

Unknown said...

err...what about iPhone Lyrics? You're missing one of the most amazing sites/apps:

Probably one of the most great/hidden sites for the iPhone.

Unknown said...

List isn't bad but there are definitely better ones: funiculous (guitar tuner that uses the onboard mic), sketches, eBooks, categories (enables you to put these sweet apps in folders), NES emulator... Good job though.

David Becker said...

no MindDojo? No Noter?
This list would have been legitimate if you didn't forget the two best ones!

Ben M said...

This list single-handedly demonstrates that there is NO derfinitive list that is less than 50 apps long. To each their own, there are no more top tens.

murf said...

i know this is probably not the place to post this but i have been trying to find out this info for a few days...
i just want to know if jailbreaking my iphone is really a good idea or not. i am afraid that i will have an unworking phone if i do this. what do you all think? worth it? if it messed up, can i just "restore"?

Anonymous said...

To maan:

There's also iLyrics ( It doesn't have it all, but neither does your iPhoneLyrics.

And I have to agree with tonemcd, I don't see any of you making a top tens list with better *hacked* apps. But if you do and other people complain about it, we'll see how you feel. If nobody actually does complain about it, congratulations.

As for my opinion about it, I think it could be better but I won't go on saying "oh, this list is a piece of $HIT" and "I know so many better apps." I'll leave it at it's good and could be better.

iPod Touch said...

If you want tutorials on the iPod Touch view my below link for tutorials and also for adding cool applications to your iPod Touch.

iPod Touch tutorials

Unknown said...

Certainly not the list I would make, but my biggest problem is that it would have been nice to actually know where to find these apps. For example: where to I find Navizon? What source do I need to add? or site do I need to visit. That would be handy in a list like this.

murf said...

can anyone give me some pros and cons for jailbreaking my iphone? i would really appreciate it. i guess i just really want to know if i will be able to restore my phone if something goes wrong. thanks.

iblaine said...

surely the iphone has more to offer than these useless applications.

mlmduddde said...

Come on.... rethink your content. Or I mean... rethink your audience here Mr.

You're dealing with men by majority, under 30, fantasizing about the COOL things they can do with their iPhones. Not saying these aren't very useful apps. But just by your comments I would guess that 10 for every one complaint there goes your opportunity to get new subscribers due to what they label as "Lame" content. Change it. Make them happy. Make their snot nose digging asses think they really found something.

And put some ads up already. If you put so much time into this... pay yourself my friend.

SUNIL said...

Good one.. Somebody has taken some time to put it together.

m4ttd said...

Pro's for jailbreaking.

You can install alot (over 100)
different apps that don't come with your stock iphone.

Con's If you don't like them and are worried about your warranty. just reset it back to default.

no one can be told what the app's are. You have to be shown.

acadia said...

I wish more could be said about the dangers of iPhone radiation. Nobody seems to care about it, so I posted an article at Palluxo! - and here is the article if you are interested to read:

Anonymous said...

1/ iphone review, phone review,
iphone news, iphone blog

2/ iPhone Support, iphone tips,
iphone tools

3/ Funny Pictures, funny blog
4/ Download software, Free software

5/ Bikini Girl, beauty Girl, gai xinh

Ayaz said... is clearly the best 3rd party app available for the iPhone... use it to control your PC/laptop thru your iPhone - ideal for presentations!

Admin said...

Game lovers to go hereeee :))

iphone games

debessie said...

There are sooo many iphone applications out there. What about the apps where your iphone completely accesses your at-home computer like filestophones or vnsea? I use the former and its like having a portable hand held pc that makes phone calls, etc...